The Project Edupreneurs: Networking and Empowering Education Entrepreneurs towards a resilient edtech ecosystem in Southern Africa, funded by the Southern Africa Innovation Support (SAIS) 2, launched on 31st March 2021.
The project is developed by the consortium between Eduix, Glowdom, and the Namibian Business Innovation Institution (NBII). The purpose of project Eduprenuers is to develop a digital business ecosystem in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) able to leverage the edtech infrastructure and human capacity for education development. The project aims at building between its stakeholders through participatory design.
Read all about it ReInnovation-Grantee-Profiles_CfP3
Sebulon founded Glowdom, a tech company aimed at revolutionizing the education sector through the use of technology and data. ● US Mandela Washington Fellow for young African leaders 2015 ● Namibia Business Hall of Fame Laureate 2022 ● North of Namibia Director for US Embassy Academy for Women Entrepreneurs 2021 - 2023 ● Ambassador for UNESCO/SAP Africa Code Week, the Africa Code Challenge, and the UNESCO/CODEMAO Africa-Asia Youth Coding Initiative 2018 - 2023 Creator of “ELYAMBALA.NAMIBIA”, Sebulon encourages individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and to continuously pursue personal and professional growth.
https://sebulondavid.com sebulon@glowdom.com David Sebulon