How good are machine learning tools in a business model?
One of the realities around us in this age is that data is growing, and vast amounts of data are being collected at a daily basis. In the business domain, to make insights and predict patterns in data Machine learning does a great job.
Machine learning is a field concerned with the question of how to construct computer programs that automatically improve their performance(P) from experience (E) with respect to some provided tasks (T). Machine learning is a mathematical and algorithmic approach that builds a model from the given data to perform predictions or generate insights about new data scenarios.
Most companies in Africa have been using traditional methods of human interaction and observations but as datasets and data warehouses increase it will become apparent that a Machine learning model is an inevitable solution to their business plights.
At Glowdom we practice Machine learning solutions to any business model. Currently we have the Edupreneur platform that equips students and lectures with the right tools in managing their educational business. Find how we can help you at our website .

Sebulon founded Glowdom, a tech company aimed at revolutionizing the education sector through the use of technology and data. ● US Mandela Washington Fellow for young African leaders 2015 ● Namibia Business Hall of Fame Laureate 2022 ● North of Namibia Director for US Embassy Academy for Women Entrepreneurs 2021 - 2023 ● Ambassador for UNESCO/SAP Africa Code Week, the Africa Code Challenge, and the UNESCO/CODEMAO Africa-Asia Youth Coding Initiative 2018 - 2023 Creator of “ELYAMBALA.NAMIBIA”, Sebulon encourages individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and to continuously pursue personal and professional growth. David Sebulon